Psilocybin truffles and psilocybin mushrooms are very similar psychedelics, in that they contain the same active compounds (psilocybin, psilocin and baeocystin), but differ in how they are produced. Psilocybin truffles are underground clumps formed out of mycelial strands, whereas psilocybin mushrooms grow out fully when conditions are favorable.
Even though they are made of the same stuff, there are certain distinctions between them. Some of the more common questions about these differences include:
- Are truffles more legal than mushrooms?
- Are mushrooms more potent than truffles?
- Do the trips differ qualitatively?
- Are truffles “safer” than mushrooms?
Psilocybin mushrooms (AKA magic mushrooms, or shrooms) are some of the best-known and most studied psychedelics, with research beginning in the early ‘60s. It’s believed that they were used by prehistoric people for ritualistic purposes and hypothesized that they might be responsible for the emergence of consciousness itself.
Psilocybin truffles (AKA magic truffles) are a more modern variety that hit the mainstream market after the big 2008 crackdown on Psilocybin mushrooms by the Dutch government. Truffles somehow remained legal, and, to this day, are happily sold in specialized shops in Amsterdam. The city has forever been a stoner sanctuary, but Truffles, as a very accessible psychedelic, heralded a mass tourist interest in consciousness exploration… Or just tripping out.
Truffles can also be bought online if you live in Europe – from sites like Truffle Magic, our approved Truffle suppliers.
Psilocybin Mushrooms and Psilocybin Truffles affect consciousness in similar ways. Symptoms often include perceptual – most notably visual – changes, feelings of unity or oneness with all, deep insight into the nature of life, and ego-dissolution.
Before we get to the differences, let’s look at the basic facts of each one.
Psilocybin truffles and psilocybin mushrooms are very similar psychedelics, in that they contain the same active compounds (psilocybin, psilocin and baeocystin), but differ in how they are produced. Psilocybin truffles are underground clumps formed out of mycelial strands, whereas psilocybin mushrooms grow out fully when conditions are favorable.
Even though they are made of the same stuff, there are certain distinctions between them. Some of the more common questions about these differences include:
- Are truffles more legal than mushrooms?
- Are mushrooms more potent than truffles?
- Do the trips differ qualitatively?
- Are truffles “safer” than mushrooms?
Psilocybin mushrooms (AKA magic mushrooms, or shrooms) are some of the best-known and most studied psychedelics, with research beginning in the early ‘60s. It’s believed that they were used by prehistoric people for ritualistic purposes and hypothesized that they might be responsible for the emergence of consciousness itself.
Psilocybin truffles (AKA magic truffles) are a more modern variety that hit the mainstream market after the big 2008 crackdown on Psilocybin mushrooms by the Dutch government. Truffles somehow remained legal, and, to this day, are happily sold in specialized shops in Amsterdam. The city has forever been a stoner sanctuary, but Truffles, as a very accessible psychedelic, heralded a mass tourist interest in consciousness exploration… Or just tripping out.
Truffles can also be bought online if you live in Europe – from sites like Truffle Magic, our approved Truffle suppliers.
Psilocybin Mushrooms and Psilocybin Truffles affect consciousness in similar ways. Symptoms often include perceptual – most notably visual – changes, feelings of unity or oneness with all, deep insight into the nature of life, and ego-dissolution.
Before we get to the differences, let’s look at the basic facts of each one.
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- Make your first harvest in 4-6 weeks
- Average yield is 1 - 4 ounces (28-108g)
- Fits in a drawer or closet
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Quick Facts
Psilocybin Mushrooms
- Used by traditional societies since 1000 BC
- Typical dose is between 10-40 mg – this equates to roughly 1-4 g of dried mushrooms
- Dozens of different types
- Trip lasts between 4 and 8 hours
- No potential for physical addiction
Psilocybin Truffles
- Gained popularity after the Dutch outlawed Mushrooms in 2008
- Before that, they were on the market, but made few sales
- Are produced by controlling conditions such as temperature and humidity to prevent growth of mycelium
- Normally sold in 15g boxes, which are labeled for potency
- Trip lasts between 3 and 5 hours
- No potential for physical addiction
Interested in the health benefits of non-psychoactive mushrooms? Check out Four Sigmatic for mushrooms supplements and beverages.
General Effects of Psilocybin
- Leads to ego-drop and feeling of unity of self and the universe.
- Facilitates feelings of strong connection to nature and the planet.
- Can cause a feeling of being on the fence between a good and bad trip – emotions can become volatile.
- Come-up is usually intense, come-down normally calm and blissful.
- It’s possible to lose touch with sober reality during a trip. Perception and sense of orientation can change dramatically and make it difficult to understand where you are and what’s going on.
- Can cause a sensation of melting into the ground and inability to move around. This is why it’s advised to be able to lay down on a comfortable surface while tripping.
- Causes astounding closed-eyed visions; interesting open-eye hallucinations are possible, as well as echoes and other auditory sensations that aren’t actually there.
- Senses may be over-stimulated and additional stimulation perceived as an overwhelming intrusion. A safe and peaceful place with no loud music and potential intruders around is the best environment.
- Provides potential for a deep, introspective journey and offers new perspectives and revolutionary insights into life.
Differences Between Truffles and Mushrooms
Although they both contain the same active ingredients, there are some differences between psilocybin truffles and psilocybin mushrooms:
Since they have identical active psychedelic compounds, mushrooms and truffles are regarded the same by most of the world – as illegal drugs. The Netherlands is the only country that makes a distinction, and is one of the few European countries where possession of limited quantities of psilocybin is legal or decriminalized. In the rest of the world, seeing as they’re both illegal, psychonauts usually opt for mushrooms, which are more common and considered to provide a more immersive journey.
Trip intensity
The main difference between the two, and the most likely reason the Dutch government didn’t outlaw them both, is potency. While it’s difficult to say with scientific precision, especially since there are so many different kinds of both truffles and mushrooms, anecdotal reports on Truffle trips usually describe milder experiences, with less pronounced hallucinations and a more preserved ability to function in terms of motion and sociability. The senses are not that overloaded and users seem to not experience problems consuming truffles in the stimulating environment of downtown Amsterdam.
However, it has to be said here that, chemically, these two are identical. Even if there is a difference in the concentration of the active compounds, there is no apparent reason for a high enough dose of truffles not to induce a same strength experience as mushrooms. It just might be that truffle consumption is more standardized – coming in packs of a set quantity, with the potency clearly labeled and an instructional booklet attached (to accompany the usual advising words of the friendly vendor) makes truffles a less likely candidate for dose overestimation.
Grow 1 Year's Worth of Microdoses in Just 6 Weeks
Third Wave partnered with top mycologists to create the world’s easiest and best mushroom growing program (kit, course, and expert support).
- Pre-sterilized and sealed
(ready to use out of the box) - Step-by-step video and text course
- Access to growing expert in community
- Make your first harvest in 4-6 weeks
- Average yield is 1 - 4 ounces (28-108g)
- Fits in a drawer or closet
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Grow 1 Year's Worth of Microdoses in Just 6 Weeks
Third Wave partnered with top mycologists to create the world’s easiest and best mushroom growing program (kit, course, and expert support).
- Pre-sterilized and sealed
(ready to use out of the box) - Step-by-step video and text course
- Access to experts in community
- Make your first harvest in 4-6 weeks
- Average yield is 1 - 4 ounces (28-108g)
- Fits in a drawer or closet
- Enter info for Third Wave discounts
Nature of the trip
Truffle trips are usually referred to as “fun,” whereas mushroom experiences are often described as “deep, introspective journeys.” While in theory there shouldn’t be qualitative differences in the nature of the experience, the more lightweight effects of truffles seem to provide a more carefree bout.
The perceptual distortions, although present to a degree, don’t make the world seem like such a different place. The expanded field of view is there, but maybe everything isn’t moving around as much and maybe it seems more funny than awe-inspiring on truffles as compared to mushrooms. Likewise, even though the most comfortable position will probably be the horizontal or perpendicular one, maybe you won’t have an issue with walking around the lake and marveling at pebbles of suddenly magical texture and trees that seem like they’re alive.
As for the spiritual aspect, typically truffles are not as profoundly paradigm-shifting as mushrooms, based on myriad trip reports. The visions tend to not be so elaborate, the insights more superficial. But, again, all of this will surely depend on the dose, the intention, and the setting you choose for your experience. Truffles have the chemical potential to give the same ride that mushrooms are known, and revered for.
The plus side of the generally more curbed experiences, though, is that difficult trips are less likely. However, even though the frequency of truffle emergency call-outs as compared to mushroom-related ones seems to have markedly dropped in Amsterdam since the ban, truffle trials are not completely void of incidents. Even though they aren’t common, bad trips can be tricky to get out of, as the sense of self can be dissolved. Good intentions can be very helpful in these instances.
As with any psychedelic, it is advised to get fully informed before trying it and to use good judgment in preparing for the trip. Doing mushrooms and truffles with trustworthy people, in beautiful nature, with comfortable, trippy music and kind, humble curiosity is likely to result in a joyous journey. Doing them just to get high, with whomever, in a questionable state of mind, in a noisy and uninspiring environment can, logically, lead to panic and distress, which don’t mix well with psychedelics.
So, whichever one you choose, make sure you know what you’re in for and to allow the experience to treat you well.
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Grow 1 Year's Worth of Microdoses in Just 6 Weeks
Third Wave partnered with top mycologists to create the world’s easiest and best mushroom growing program (kit, course, and expert support).
- Pre-sterilized and sealed
(ready to use out of the box) - Step-by-step video and text course
- Access to growing expert in community
- Make your first harvest in 4-6 weeks
- Average yield is 1 - 4 ounces (28-108g)
- Fits in a drawer or closet
- Enter info for Third Wave discounts:
Grow 1 Year's Worth of Microdoses in Just 6 Weeks
Third Wave partnered with top mycologists to create the world’s easiest and best mushroom growing program (kit, course, and expert support).
- Pre-sterilized and sealed
(ready to use out of the box) - Step-by-step video and text course
- Access to experts in community
- Make your first harvest in 4-6 weeks
- Average yield is 1 - 4 ounces (28-108g)
- Fits in a drawer or closet
- Enter info for Third Wave discounts
I don’t think Truffle Magic are exporting to the UK anymore.
They are?
Looking at the Quick Facts on mushrooms, shouldn’t this be 10-40 Grams rather than MG on the quantity of *fresh* mushrooms per dose?
Truffles not as profound as shrooms? Just up the dose. The differences are negligible. As for profound realisations. The drug provides a foundation for realisations, the rest you have to, or rather should, achieve sober. Don’t become one of these tits who think they’re a profound sage because they’ve lay fried for a few hours.
I was in Adam last week first time in 15 years. Went to the last smart shop I bought dried cubensis from. They had these unappetizing (and wtf are they?) truffles for sale. I asked for dried cubensis and was served one of the best trips of my life. The sanitization of amsterdam is deplorable because the worst crimes and behavior are committed by the drunk. My expat friend and I sheltered in at his apartment to consume and experience… as well we should have.
This kind of awareness is very good and would benefit a lot of people in the long run.
I hope that this will progress and improve people’s lives. Thank you for sharing!
This article is right on. I did 15 g of truffles in Amsterdam and didn’t feel much. I did 5 g of mushrooms 2 days ago, and it was terrifying and amazing. You described it perfectly: “Come-up is usually intense, come-down normally calm and blissful.”
The usual idiocy when discussing psychedelics. Useful information would have consisted of an actual test of the level of active ingredients in dried mushrooms vs. truffles. If the same active ingredients are in both mushrooms and truffles, then the only explanation for the qualitative difference in their use is that truffles are weak as shit.
It’s a matter of time until we adopt this as regular medicine for a lot of stuff
Recently returned from a training for therapists in an ideal, legal, supportive, retreat setting. On doses of 20-60 grams of truffles the experience was profound. “On a scale of 1-10, how much did you enjoy it? “0.” “What would this experience be worth to you?” “Anything!” Intention, setting, integration, folks. What incredible teachers.
Good ideology. This is the kind knowledge that’s needed. Thank you for sharing
I cannot wait to see what mushrooms can offer in the future of medicine. I hope that this magical plant would not be abused and misused. Everything, if used properly and moderately proves to be beneficial.
The person jumping from the 3rd floor turned out to having using alcohol and speed at the same time as well. So that is not really a fair example.
“Typical dose is between 10-40 mg – this equates to roughly 1-4 g of dried mushrooms”
I believe the writer meant 10-40 g = 1-4 dg of mushrooms as they are around 90% water when fresh.
Also had trouble with this ” trees that seem like they’re alive.” hahaha Trees ARE alive!
Think he MAY have meant the trees were animate. Of course they’re alive.
Psilocybin Truffles are the new ones, I have been using them. However, I wonder how would the old one be like. Thanks for sharing
Very nice information…thanks for sharing.
hello,I,am writing to tell of my trip on deep creek lake,in garrett county 1988,I canoed on the lake at5:00am after sharing 40 gms.with three people by my self,as every one involved were too out there.I my self was totally into it untill day light when the GREAT FOG set in, I remained lost for 6 hrs. TILL my park ranger (trip) buddy found me when the sun finally burned off the fog & my buzz,very profound feelings being lost never wanted it too end. far out sounds of nature really changed my thinking about the world. I still dose too this day. I,am 55 now 22 then ,that old familiar feeling came back when I dosed on LSD with my21 yr. old grand son,fun for young&old.I,am buying spours from this site as we speak . Thank you, keep up the good fight.
A serving of truffles that is supposed to create an experience compared to that of an 1/8 or 3.5g of dried mushrooms would mean that they are 1/3 as strong, because they contain 2/3 water. When I dry them completely, a couple grams of the Qubit (cubensis) are intense. 75g dried out to just under 28g, with is again 1/3. All truffles come packaged from the wholesalers still fresh and untried. You cannot order them dried on the website either, im guessing it is to do with product processing or the law. This is where the “weaker” rumor comes from I believe anyhow. Dried truffles have felt the same, and even a bit stronger a few times.. .On the stomach too.
Thank you so much for sharing your experience. 🙏