Michou Olivera

Psychedelic Integration Therapist in Greenfield, Massachusetts, United States
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    20 Reviews on “Michou Olivera”

    • Meghan H. 11 months ago

      I’m so honoured to know Michou and work with her on my Mushroom medicine journey. This is been such a positive experience for me as I work through PTSD and trauma. Being guided through this journey, and working with Michou has been such a gift. She is so insightful, knowledgeable and extremely professional. With her in-depth experience guiding me through is so comforting. Thank you Michou for all that you bring , I so appreciate you!

    • LC 12 months ago

      If you are truly open to change, Michou will help guide you to your truth.

      Prior to work with Michou, I had invested all of my time and energy into pursuits that I believed would bring me purpose and happiness. I dedicated myself to these efforts that included earning a PhD, entering a career in the biomedical device industry, buying a house, and participating in extracurricular projects at my company on top of my workload, including starting and leading an Employee Resource Group. Though these were the things I believed would be fulfilling, I knew that there was something missing and felt in my heart that there was a different path I should be following.

      I began microdosing in conjunction with additional therapeutic work, and began to understand that I should indeed be on a different path. There was some resistance initially to this realization, but the trust in myself grew and I was able to make the decision to leave my job as a research scientist to provide the time and space to discover my own vision and purpose.

      I found myself knowing my general path but still stuck in a place where I could not see how to make my vision possible. At this point, I felt the pull to my first macro journey. I contacted Michou, and she facilitated the entire experience. She provided space to ask questions and insight prior to the journey. She sat with me during the entire journey and allowed me to drive the process, yet engage at the level I felt that I needed. We had a follow-up integration session to discuss the insight that came from the experience, which was truly profound. A large block for me was simply the realization that my vision is directly related to alignment with my authentic self, where true flow is possible.

      There is not a way to know how this work could change your life, but it certainly has the potential to open up realities you did not know existed. If you are ready for this work, I would provide my highest recommendation for Michou!

    • A S. 1 year ago

      Michou has been incredibly insightful, generous and kind throughout all our interactions. I highly recommend her.

    • MQD 1 year ago

      This journey was one of the most profound experiences of my life. I can’t imagine a better spiritual guide than Michou. She has this calm, positive energy that made me feel immediately comfortable and at ease. I feel so grateful for her amazing wisdom, insight and healing energy.

    • Ellen V. 1 year ago

      I was tired of masking my symptoms of depression by taking SSRIs for over 20 years and wanted to cure myself by switching over to plant medicine. So, I weaned myself off of the SSRIs with the help of microdosing ketamine, sourced some mushrooms, and thought a solo trip would be a good idea. Boy, was I wrong! The trip started out fun, but then turned dark and I fell into a pit of depression and SI. Even with the ketamine, it took me a while to regain equilibrium. Going forward, I knew I would need a guide if I wanted to try mushrooms again. Then I found Michou. She was very responsive to me reaching out, thoroughly addressed my questions and concerns, and we met for a guided journey a few weeks later. The experience with Michou was similar at first to my solo trip – I was happy and enjoying myself. However, when it started turning dark is when I felt the difference between doing it alone and having her there. She was able to talk me through the troubling thoughts and emotions I was experiencing, which prevented me from spiraling down. After the trip, I felt very different than I did the first time. I was calm, not depressed, had no SI, and felt very OK. And, surprisingly, I continued to feel that way for weeks afterwards, with zero ketamine. I’m very grateful to have found her and agree with what other reviewers stated. She is very caring, compassionate, knowledgeable, and professional in every way. I also truly appreciated her model of harm reduction.

    • Robyn G. 1 year ago

      As someone who was hesitant to expand my world, I can honestly say that Michou made me feel very safe throughout the process. She checked in before and helped me prepare. She checked in during the experience and she has followed up to see how I’m doing after. She helped bring meaning to things that seemed arbitrary and also, funny. 😁 She connected the dots for me while I was just there enjoying the day. If you are at all interested, reach out to her. ❤️

    • Linda P. 1 year ago

      It has been my great pleasure and good fortune to have had the opportunity to work with Michou in matters of Integration following my journeys with macrodosing. Her compassion, her insight and her encouragement have all been invaluable in terms of my personal growth and transformation. I have processed years of grief and trauma, profound feelings of shame, guilt, and inadequacy with her kind assistance. Previously unexplored recognitions of my shadow self have been illuminated and my subsequent conversations with Michou have afforded me the opportunity to hardwire these realizations into my experiences of daily living. This, in turn, has facilitated enormous opportunities for my personal healing and positive change. Michou listens without judgement. She is kind. Thoughtful. Insightful. Generous with her extension of love and experience in the field of this marvelous medicine. I would encourage anyone seeking transformation via the beauty of mushrooms to give yourself a gift. Reach out to Michou. You will be safe, supported and changed.

    • Lyubov Y. 1 year ago

      Michou is a prime example of why psychedelic-assisted therapy is more than just the western medical model of working with someone with letters after their name. She made me feel so safe and supported and she is clearly spiritually awakened, and thus was able to offer so much wisdom in navigating the psychedelic realms. Journeying with her was so meaningful and offered me so much insight. Thank you Michou – you are a beautiful soul.

    • Rachel M. 1 year ago

      Where do I start about Michou? She’s incredible. I’ve been working with her since January and she has transformed my life in ways that are beyond words’ ability to describe.
      As a psychotherapist in private practice myself, it is always relieving to connect with another individual in this helping profession who genuinely cares about others.
      From the beginning of our work, I felt held by Michou and truly safe in her presence. She evoked tears during our initial phone consultation and immediately saw me in ways others don’t.
      She is real, solid, understands me, holds space, offers empathy, validation, and compassion while challenging me in the ways that I need.
      At the end of January, I experienced a house fire and the guidance and medicine Michou offered during that time were instrumental in my ability to move through that incredibly challenging period.
      My medicinal journey with her has been incredibly impactful on my entire life, let alone my mental health.
      As a lifelong patient myself in traditional therapy, I feel the medicine and guidance she offers have allowed me to heal beyond what therapy has ever provided in the past. I feel more grounded, centered and connected to myself than I ever have; with a deeper understanding of my wounding and the ways it affects my psyche.
      Michou has guided me toward my truth, and once you have that knowledge, your world changes for the better. Life has opened up in ways I could never have anticipated.
      Michou is always a gracious sounding board and can sit with you through the darkest parts of your past because she has faced her own.
      I’m so grateful to have crossed paths with Michou, I rave about her to anyone that will listen. If you’re considering beginning a microdosing journey, you need to choose Michou as your guide. I promise you, it will be the best decision you make.

    • DVid L. 1 year ago

      Michou is the best!
      As a business professional and father, I found myself at a mid-life point, asking a lot of questions. Anxieties from the past and current, prioritizing the busy aspects of life, raising kids, surviving an 18 year marriage and divorce – all topics mixed together can feel overwhelming.
      Michou not only took the time to teach me and understand why I was seeking such an alternative – something to make a significant change in my mindset.
      Since my first journey with Michou, just three weeks ago, my life is already changed through integration.
      – I have had some crucial conversations, I never thought possible,
      – I have begun taking my health more seriously (down 10) by just being conscious of my decision
      – I have done significant work and organization in my home
      In general, the focus my first journey has provided was remarkable. I felt so safe, educated and prepared for what my experience might be like when working with Michou.
      Forever grateful and enlightened…

    • Ellie W. 2 years ago

      I am tremendously grateful for Michou. Our first encounter was by phone and she taught me how to microdose. Microdosing had a profound effect on me and may have literally saved my life.

      I have had Michou sit with me through two larger mushroom doses and she impressed me immensely. She clearly has vast personal knowledge of mushroom medicine. Her open hearted willingness to share this knowledge is generous and kind. She is insightful, intuitive, compassionate, and sensitive. She contains a profound strength that comes from a unique ability to be genuinely authentic to her true self. Her approach towards my complicated medical situation has been sensitive, intelligent, and wise. I feel safe doing this work with Michou. She has been a blessing in my life.

    • Janna F. 2 years ago

      I came upon Michou via my wanderings online to find resources to learn about psychedelic journeying for healing. As a person who grew up in the “hippie” era, I was unusual in never trying or feeling the need to try psychedelics then. But as a therapist who already uses expressive and mindfulness practices in my work and in my own healing, I wanted to experience a journey to more fully understand how journeying works and how it could be mind-opening.

      I so appreciated Michou’s respect for these powerful substances, and her knowledge of how to use them safely. At every step, she was open to my questions and curiosity about the experience and comfortable with me having my spouse with me at the actual session. She respected my request to take a quick covid test (for all of us) as well.

      Her demeanor during the session was helpful, non directive but supportive, and any comments she made were in support of the session. She basically stayed “out of the way” but was available for interactions as needed and/or desired.

      I also appreciate her presence as fully herself and authentic, but I liked that her energy was yin/yang together, a person more than just one gendered energy. This was important for me in the process.

      As I slowly move into the therapeutic world of offering psychedelic assisted therapy in my realm, I know that I can count on Michou for advice and feedback and collaboration. She is a generous soul.

    • Robyn G. 2 years ago

      From the first conversation with Michou a few years ago, I knew I could trust her with details of my life. She has a way of disarming others and allowing everyone to be themselves. She fosters safety and comfort in her communication style. Our interactions have all been virtual, and I can’t wait for the in-person experience.

    • Ekaterina B. 2 years ago

      I am a psychologist in private practice with over two decades of clinical experience. Previously to going into my own practice full time, I was Director of Psychology and Psychology Training at a well-known local inpatient facility. I have treated hundreds of patients and have myself been a patient for decades. So, when I say that Michou is an OUTSTANDING AND BRILLIANT therapist, I am comparing her to the most experienced and extremely competent and talented people in the psychotherapeutic field.
      I met Michou through a colleague of mine after having done one mushroom journey and several animal medicine journeys in Mexico and having become interested in exploring the utility of plant and animal medicines in expanding consciousness. I did four journeys with Michou and it is not an exaggeration to say that she helped me change my life in ways that traditional therapy never could. Each and every time, I experienced her as highly professional yet accessible and relatable, humorous, present, safe, solid in every way, and absolutely attuned to where I was. She had unprecedented clarity about where I was and where she needed to guide me. I had the sense that Michou was able to withstand all of my feelings with such calm and self-assurance that it made me unafraid to explore the most painful parts of my psyche. I literally felt that I could trust her with my life, which is a level of vulnerability for me that I have rarely, if ever, experienced in the presence of another human being. There are no words to express my gratitude to Michou for what she has helped me accomplish. I have since begun referring my own patients to her and have heard nothing but the most incredible reviews of her professionalism, expertise, compassion, and kindness. Choose Michou as your guide and I promise you, you will be in the safest, most capable hands and it will change your life!

    • Carol M. 2 years ago

      When I first started looking into psychedelic medicine I came across Michou’s bio on an FB page. I liked what I read so I reached out. The first time I spoke with her I knew I found the right person for me. I felt we were meant to meet. Her personality and energy is genuine and I felt comfortable with her immediately. She came and sat with me during my first mushroom journey. I felt safe and was able to relax, which allowed for an amazing experience. I can’t thank her enough for her support, wisdom, and positive energy!

    • Jen S. 2 years ago

      I feel tremendously fortunate to have found Michou. From our first contact by phone, I have found her to be consistently reliable, forthcoming, knowledgeable, and incredibly big-hearted. Our conversations helped me define my goals, and Michou’s deep understanding of this medicine has been invaluable in guiding me towards the best way to proceed on this journey. I have worked with her through microdosing, which has been nothing less than life-changing, as well as having her sit with me during a macrodose. As a sitter, she was attentive but also gave me the space I needed. Our integration sessions afterwards were critical. I will add that just knowing Michou is available if I ever need to talk or have questions has given me tremendous peace of mind throughout this process. She is wise, respectful, generous, and truly dedicated to supporting others’ transformation. I am so grateful to have found her.

    • Kate T. 2 years ago

      I absolutely love Michou. She helped me through the toughest time in my life. I owe a lot to her and to mushrooms 🙂

    • Bluiston D. 2 years ago

      When I first found Michou, I was struggling with low self worth, PTSD, Bipolar disorder, and a bevy of other issues, The fact is, I loathed myself. I had tried traditional medicine and therapy for years, and found it only work to a point…never truly bringing me back to my authentic self. I have been working with Michou for the last year, and because of it, my life has become more beautiful. I no longer beat on myself, in fact I can honestly tell you that I love who I am today. With Michou’s guidance I have come to believe I am worthy of all good things, and not only that, but that I am all good things…

    • River R. 2 years ago

      We feel honored Michou has been guiding us on our mushroom medicine journey.

      I was called to introduce myself to Michou at a myco event, and then felt so blessed by her story and work. My partner was also touched by meeting her at that event.

      We had been contemplating mushroom medicine, yet desired a guide to help. We decided after meeting Michou at that event that she was just the person to assist us.

      Thankfully, Michou was in agreement! It was like she knew we were coming.

      From the get go, Michou has been very approachable and accepting, down to earth and elevated, informative and kind. She respects our sovereignty, and is tender with us and the issues with which we work.

      Furthermore, she is very accommodating of our special needs. We are inspired by her authenticity, heart, and wisdom.

      Heartily, we are grateful to collaborate with Michou.

    • Joseph W. 2 years ago

      My partner and I had previously been to serveral cognitive and behavioral therapist who meant well but were very rigid in their process and approach. The idea of spending years in those settings to achieve the kinds of changes we were working towards was not encouraging.

      After our first consultation with Michou we knew we were working with someone who understood us and our goals. She is both generous with her wisdom and experience while being extremely professional and exact in her instructions. Our journey so far has been a very positive experience where we have been impowered to take ownership over our mental and spiritual well being. Michou is very responsive to any questions and easy to work with. We can not say enough good about her.


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