Retreat Info
About the Retreat:For more than 30 years, ZiruYai has been dedicated to the conservation of the jungle and to weaving the ancestral wisdom of the sacred plants of America with the world, caring for and respecting the ancient tradition of these medicines and ceremonies for the healing and evolution of humanity.
Yage, or ayahuasca, is a sacred medicine from the Amazon rainforest. ZiruYai holds traditional retreats within the ancestral community of licensed Taitas from the authorized lineages of Colombia. It includes elders from two Indigenous lineages and holders of traditional training who have dedicated their whole lives to the study and use of this medicine.
A unique aspect of our retreats is that they are conducted within primary Amazon jungle. Nature enhances, and makes more authentic the connection with the medicine. Participating in our retreats also enhances our ability to preserve this forest and is connected with traditional curation of the medicine.
An intimate experience
We are a family that grew up on the path of Sacred Plants and for more than 26 years we have been caring of ancestral ceremonies which are ancient ways of healing and connection with the creation.This sacred plant accompanied us to grow and see the world in a more loving way, That is why we carry in a respectful way the altars and spaces for the people to heal, and connect with their true self.
Retreats are booked in advance after an interview process. They include prepared meals, time spent in deep contemplation of nature, and are held on traditional sites that have been protected for generations. There are cleansing foods, bathing, and plant medicine prior to ceremony to prepare.
Participants should plan to have a peaceful, deep, and transformative experience of the medicine.
The ceremony
According to the traditional indigenous worldview, yagé or ayahuasca medicine can bring with it the spirits of the entire universe, plants, animals, trees, and water. It can also connect us with different energy dimensions and do healing in each of them. Physically, it can transform toxins, diseases, and discomfort, into vitality, well-being, and health. It can connect us with our emotions, freeing us from conflicts and negative thoughts that we have had in the past, transforming them into happiness and harmony with ourselves and all our relationships. It also encourages us to connect with the essence of our spirit and the openness of our hearts to the service of humanity.This sacred plant can lead you to a deep understanding of your life, opening a spiritual awakening and benefiting your physical and mental health.
A safe and professional experience
Ayahuasca has been going through a massive expansion. It should be observed that there are those who share the medicine with the knowledge, the permission of traditional communities, and the studies that are appropriate in order to administer it to others; but there are also some who unfortunately, while well intentioned, administer it without the preceding preparation, forgetting or neglecting all of the mystery that has allowed for the profound study of this sacred plant by way of our ancestors. This can be, and has been counterproductive in the processes of those who take the medicine without knowing or understanding how the adequate approach should be. As such, when one decides to take part in ceremonies, it is for this reason and of significant importance to be well informed about the people who conduct them.ZiruYai has significant experience guiding people from all ages and nationalities through this experience to reap the benefits which can last for a lifetime. We offer reintegration counseling as part of the retreat and coach you through the process from start to finish.
Description of Services:8-10 day retreats are common although individual booking can be arranged in advance. Please contact us for retreat dates.
Most commonly retreats will include:
3 Yagé ceremonies.
1 Yoco ceremony.
Temazcal ceremony.
Native Ortiga, stinging nettle treatment.
Opportunities for connection, meditation and reflection with allied medicinal plants (Mambe and Ambil and Rapé)
Baths with medicinal plants.
Cleansing purges.
Interactive words and music circles.
Personalized consultation with the Taitas by request.
Nighttime bonfires.
Practitioners:Taita Leonidas Lezama
Taita Herminsul Lucitante
Taita Fernando Lezama
Iyari GarciaTeam/Medical Staff:Iyari Garcia
Drea Burbank, MD-
Founder(s) / CEO: Taita Leonidas LezamaGroup Size: 1-12Price Range: $1500-$4000Our Process
Overview of Experience:We are dedicated to traditional administration of the medicine. The ceremony we offer has been offered for thousands of years, and while we help people new to the medicine to understand it, we do not vary it because it is important to honor and respect the medicine.
We also offer reintegration services as part of the retreat cost after the retreat.
Intake Process:Applicants can contact us on the website and we will arrange an interview with a medical screening form.
Supplemental Modalities: yoga, temezcal, nutrition, meditation, nature, fire ceremony, cleaning plants, music circlesPsychedelic Substances Offered: yagé, ayahuasca, rapé, mambe and ambil, ortiga, wachuma, tobaccoHow does this Center source medicine?:We cultivate our own medicine in the jungle and have done so for thousands of years.
Practice reciprocity with local communities?: YesPhotos
5 Reviews on “Ziru Yai Jungle Retreat”
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Retreat Info
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5 Reviews on “Ziru Yai Jungle Retreat”
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One of the most awakening and beautiful experience I had in my life. An experience where I was able to experience medicine in its own territory, the jungle, and feel all its power acting for your healing and that of your lineage. I feel very grateful to have had the blessing of meeting this family, their love and respect for tradition, make Taita Leonidas and his wife Iyari true guardians of medicine.
Also infinite gratitude to the entire team that was part of the experience. Luisa, Felipe, the women in the kitchen who cooked for us with such love. Aho Mitakuye oyasin! for all my relationships with everything!
You can see how they are so respecfull in the way they do the ceremonies, but at the same time you can tell that they have been doing this their whole life, so it makes you feel safe and comfortable, which helped me surrender to live what I needed to live. Food is delicous, they give you incredible typical flavors but taking care of the diet, and in my case as vegetarian, they were very attentive.
Thank you for being of service in the beautiful and impeccable manner that you do.
You can see how they are so respectful in the way they do the ceremonies, but at the same time you can tell that they have been doing this their whole life, so it makes you feel safe and comfortable, which helped me surrender to living what I needed to live.
Beautiful experience.
Authentic medicine, scared land and Authentic Taitas/ Shamans!!!!!!!