Ziru Yai Jungle Retreat VETTED

Ayahuasca Retreat in Villagarzón, Putumayo, Colombia
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    6 Reviews on “Ziru Yai Jungle Retreat”

    • melibea 2 weeks ago

      Taking medicine with Taita Fernando, Taita Leonidas and Taita Herminsul awakened my consciousness and gave me meaning and purpose. I felt connected to life again and my whole being is now moving in that direction: to manifest love, beauty and vitality in every gesture I make. I feel that knowing the jungle is the best gift a city person can receive. Now I can evoke the vitality and power of Mother Nature, nourish myself from her, and do my part to preserve her. Thank you, Ziruyai. My gratitude to you is eternal.

    • Kori W. 3 weeks ago

      One of the most awakening and beautiful experience I had in my life. An experience where I was able to experience medicine in its own territory, the jungle, and feel all its power acting for your healing and that of your lineage. I feel very grateful to have had the blessing of meeting this family, their love and respect for tradition, make Taita Leonidas and his wife Iyari true guardians of medicine.
      Also infinite gratitude to the entire team that was part of the experience. Luisa, Felipe, the women in the kitchen who cooked for us with such love. Aho Mitakuye oyasin! for all my relationships with everything!

    • Lina E. 4 weeks ago

      You can see how they are so respecfull in the way they do the ceremonies, but at the same time you can tell that they have been doing this their whole life, so it makes you feel safe and comfortable, which helped me surrender to live what I needed to live. Food is delicous, they give you incredible typical flavors but taking care of the diet, and in my case as vegetarian, they were very attentive.
      Thank you for being of service in the beautiful and impeccable manner that you do.

    • Lina E. 4 weeks ago

      You can see how they are so respectful in the way they do the ceremonies, but at the same time you can tell that they have been doing this their whole life, so it makes you feel safe and comfortable, which helped me surrender to living what I needed to live.

    • Manuel S. 1 month ago

      Beautiful experience.

    • Antonio p. 1 month ago

      Authentic medicine, scared land and Authentic Taitas/ Shamans!!!!!!!


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