
Iboga Retreat in Gigante, Provincia de Puntarenas, Costa Rica
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    16 Reviews on “SoulCentro”

    • Pedro Miguel O. 2 years ago

      My experience at SoulCentro was a life changing one.
      I have been going through a very transformational process with plant medicines, Yoga, Breathwork, Meditation and sitting with Iboga has been a major breakthrough.
      A deep sense of clarity and connection with my soul has been present in my days after the retreat.
      Thank you very much to the guardians of the Holy Root, the Bwiti and their tradition for blessing humanity with such a precious medicine.
      Thank you to the facilitators at SoulCentro for creating a container where I felt very safe and my vulnerability could be expressed, thank you for all the love, presence, care, empathy, encouragement, compassion, inspiration and devotion!!
      Look, listen and learn. Truth is the highest of highs. Life is only going forward.

    • Jimena G. 2 years ago

      Español abajo 🩷⬇️👇👇🏼

      grateful for the opportunity to be in the iboga retreat, I had an encounter with my past and I was able to remove years of sadness and pain from the roots! Thanks to Elizabeth, Michell, Patrick and Chor for being so attentive🤲🏼!
      spiritual baths are magical! the experience of the ceremonies is unique
      and during the week they gave me delicious food and a lot of attention… I really feel my life differently before and after the retreat, even the people close to me notice it!

      agradecida con la oportunidad de estar en el retiro de iboga, tuve un encuentro con mi pasado y pude sacar años de tristeza y dolor de raiz! Gracias a Elizabeth, Michell , Patrick y Chor por ser tan atentos🤲🏼!
      los baños espirituales son magicos! la experiencia de las ceremonias es unica
      y durante la semana me brindaron comida deliciosa y mucha atencion.. realmente siento mi vida diferente antes y despues de retiro incluso las personas cercanas a mí lo notan!

    • Raúl B. 2 years ago

      Mi experiencia con Iboga fue maravillosa. la conexión con mi alma mente y cuerpo es única. Desde el día que llegas a Soul Centro siente las vibraciones positivas que te transmite el personal de Soul Centro. La atención del personal es muy profesional, se preocupan de que estés cómodo. La comida es muy buena, todo sin gluten, las instalaciones son muy bonitas y muy limpias. Gracias Iboga y Centro del Alma por esta maravillosa experiencia que tuve.

      My experience with Iboga was wonderful. the connection with my soul mind and body is unique. From the day you arrive at Soul Centro feel the positive vibrations that the Soul Centro staff transmits to you. The attention of the staff is very professional, they care that you are comfortable. The food is very good, all gluten free, the facilities are very nice and very clean. Thank you Iboga and Centro del Alma for this wonderful experience I had.

    • Suzy G. 2 years ago

      I am not usually a writer of negative reviews, but I relied to my detriment on the positive descriptions above so feel compelled to share the truth of my horrifically disappointing experience. On the one hand, I may well have witnessed a therapeutic miracle for a 20 year old, non-paying “guest.” On the other hand, as the only paying guest, my experience was of financial, verbal, emotional abuse, neglect and immeasurable disappointment! The immaturity of the leadership team was shocking. One MUST feel emotionally safe in order for plant medicine to work its magic and the husband and wife in charge aren’t even kind to each other! I am a fragile 63 year old woman who asked questions and begged for kindness and instead was shamed, blamed and judged repeatedly and then told, “there is a lovely hotel down the road” and “we will call you a car.” One of my first questions was curiosity that after I had been maintaining the strict dieta prior to my arrival, the first meal I was served included both gluten and dairy. The medical director then told me that “goat cheese isn’t dairy.” This is just one tiny example of the absurdity of my experience. Also, some of the retreat details described above are inaccurate, so please beware!

      • Elizabeth B. Provider 2 years ago

        We care deeply about our guests and their retreat experience. We have our responsibilities as facilitators to create a safe space for our guests—and our guests also have important responsibilities in co-creating a safe and fruitful space with us. These mutual responsibilities are covered in our safety agreements which we go over with all guests in advance and also in our code of ethics. It is very difficult for us to effectively serve when we are not met in our agreements. We support the energetic and physical safety of all of our guests, however that best serves in unique situations, whether onsite or off.

        It is also important that our guests respect the container by participating. In the traditional perspective, it can become energetically unsafe when someone is in the space but avoiding participation in the traditional healing work while generally engaging in other activities that are not retreat-related; that is not conducive to the ceremonial container. As a policy, we do not shame our guests, and yet the medicine can bring up many hard feelings. This emotional and psychic material is important and time sensitive, and this is why participation is advised. It is always optional to decline to participate, however this space is dedicated to the traditional medicine work.

        Yes, we did have a local Costa Rican guest here on scholarship as part of our commitment to reciprocity who had a wonderful and meaningful experience.

        Please note: There is no strict dieta with this medicine, other than avoiding various drugs and grapefruit. The information regarding preparation is always provided in advance. We honor all of our guest’s dietary needs and preferences. As stated in our information, we do not have any gluten or “cow dairy” in our kitchen (not “no dairy”). On occasion we will serve goat dairy as an option for our guests.

    • Marc S. 2 years ago

      One word… REAL. My journey with the Bwete and Iboga began in 2010. After my initiation in 2017, Rites of Passage, and many medicine experiences later it’s hard to impress me because I expect what the Bwiti teach ~ do the work, heal, and be the BEST version of truth you can be.

      There is a lot of truth residing at Soul Centro!

      It’s safe, authentic, and filled with opportunity for anyone willing to surrender and take responsibility for their lives. Working with the “Grandfather” of entheogenic plant medicines is a courageous decision, so why not do it right.

      BASSÉ to Soul Centro and this spiritual tradition of living life to the fullest!

      • Elizabeth B. Provider 2 years ago

        Thank you for sharing your reflections, Marc! It’s such an honor coming from such a seasoned long-term student of this medicine and the Bwiti tradition.

    • Sandi I. 2 years ago

      Words cannot fully encompass my gratitude to soul centro.
      It was not my initial choice for my iboga journey, but my soul told me the initial choice was not the right one, and a few months later, Elizabeth’s book arrived to my house, after a few remarkable and raw chapters, I knew I would be safe in whatever container she had created and those she chose to place into it to work alongside her.
      Upon arrival I was immediately greeted with love and felt like I was with family. Michele, Patrick and Chor alongside Elizabeth greeted us with open arms and open hearts,
      I felt held and loved from the moment I entered and still weeks later feel that beautiful presence.
      This is not a typical journey for me. It was extremely challenging at times and yet there was always a warm smile and an open conversation whenever I needed it.
      Intention was placed into every minute of the day. So much love and energy and beauty all around. I will forever cherish this experience and the beautiful people who held me and led me to the otherside,
      The medicine is profound, but the intention of the team is just as important. Every detail was carefully curated. The meals were incredible, the almost daily massages were epic, and most importantly the ceremonies were safe. At no point did I feel like I wanted to get out of there.
      If anything I only wish I stayed longer because just being in the presence of the medicine and the sacred space that’s been created is a blessing all in itself.

      I am forever in the deepest gratitude to Elizabeth and Shore for following their calling, and grateful that universe has brought Patrick and Michele into the collective hive. Everyone holding space has such a unique personality. With an open mind, no judgment just love.
      It made my journey so much easier. I cannot imagine doing it in any other way. There’s so much gratitude for the medicine and the way it’s prepared, and served with love and respect to its origins. Thank you a million times I will forever be with an “attitude of gratitude” as Chor says.

    • Yinka A. 2 years ago

      Iboga is a profound journey of self discovery. A liberating, deep initiation into soul level consciousness.

      It overhauled my life in a big positive way. It brought so much healing to my nervous system which was badly damaged. It allowed me to face my soul and accept myself wholly. After a decade of psychedelic ceremonies, Iboga allowed me to touch depths of catharsis that were unimaginable. It brought healing to my ancestral lineage through a 7 hour mind purge. The transformation is still ongoing, several months in. The medicine is working very much within me and I feel incredibly grateful.

      Elizabeth, Michele, Chor and Patrick are a special breed of practitioners. These beautiful beings are bwiti to the core and have so much love and wisdom to share. Bobby the apprentice is a beautiful beautiful soul. His stories make me dream of Africa. I look forward to an opportunity to go deeper with the SoulCentro team. Basse!

    • Cam W. 2 years ago

      I left SoulCentro with a new perspective on life. It’s six weeks out and I am still walking around with a smile on my face—and I’ve been able to make real changes in my life to bring in joy and light.
      After struggling with depression for many years and working with several other plants many times, a friend recommended working with Iboga to actually get at the root of it. While it took some time to organize my hectic life and commit the resources to go, I am so glad I did the work. It is unlike any other experience you may have had—and I was fully supported by the SoulCentro team.

    • Erix W. 3 years ago

      My experience at Soul Centro exceeded my expectations. I received deep healing and underwent a powerful transformative process that continues to resonate today. This was all made possible by diligent and caring team – i have never felt so held by other human beings in my life. A safe place to heal.

    • Cristal C. 3 years ago

      This is my first time taking part of a ceremony with plant medicine. From the moment I arrived to the retreat, I had this overwhelming feeling of love, surrounded by paradise. Then meeting the staff, one by one that feeling continued and was paired with tight hugs. The atmosphere and energy was that of peace and stillness. And love, so much love. During ceremonies, the staff was incredibly attentive, caring and handled me with the utmost care. Felt like I was cared for by family. I was at ease and incredibly comfortable throughout my time in ceremony. As this was my first time I had no expectations, I went in with open arms, an open mind and an open heart. My ceremonies brought me both the answers I was looking for. As well as, lifted off and out of me what no longer needed to be within. This medicine works on you way before you take it. Iboga called to me and I answered. I am forever grateful to the staff of Soul Centro for providing a space for healing, filled with so much love. I got more than I could’ve ever asked and imagined for. And I am forever grateful!
      Cristal Mouressi Dianga

    • Marie I. 3 years ago

      It was truly a privilege and a gift to mySelf to come down to Costa Rica and be a guest of SoulCentro, or Soul Central as I call it. I have a deep affinity and reverence for plant medicines. I heard about Iboga one day and felt an instant pull. I was referred to a couple providers and picked SoulCentro for their solid medical screening. Iboga is no joke, and I wanted the first experience to be as safe as possible (just in case I had a heart condition that I wasn’t aware of, for example). Chor, Elizabeth, Patrick & Michele are fully dedicated to the work of Iboga in its most authentic form. They prepare you real good! They know the medicine. The preparation pre-ceremonies was WORK for me, going to places I didn’t want to go to, feeling very raw and vulnerable. I never felt judged and « the more you reveal, the more you heal. » So, thanks so much SoulCentro family!!!

    • Mary D. 3 years ago

      This team is absolutely amazing. What a life changing experience that I will forever treasure in my heart and soul. To have the guidance and compassionate support of highly trained and heart centered facilitators was everything!! I felt so safe, so held and so seen. The ceremonies were so special, held in the traditional way, with so much respect and integrity. I absolutely loved the fire talk , and getting to dialogue on various truthful topics as equal human beings. To hear the traditional Bwiti music supported and guided my journey so much, as did the skillful guided journeying from Chor and Mark. From my journeys I was able to integrate beautiful and meaningful tools to help me in my life and to keep me connected and aligned with my soul.
      These people feel like family to me now and have greatly inspired me on my medicine path. BASSÉ!

    • Andrea S. 3 years ago

      I attended a retreat in Costa Rica. I received the invitation from a friend and after talking to Elizabeth it was a yes or yes game for me.
      It was the first time I was in any contact with this type of medicine and boy it was a rollercoaster! Some of my colleagues say: wow you are going for the big leagues and I truly was.
      Since the moment you arrive to the house, everything is mellow, soft and gentle, just as it should be. Your are being nurture in every possible way. They become your extended family in 1 hour and talking about the process becomes super easy coming from the heart and with the heart every single time. They are super open to discuss whatever you need to know and help walk the path even in the ugliest moments.
      Both ceremonies for me were raw and brutal and you get to see and meet yourself in beautiful ways. Medicine is still working through me weeks after the ceremony and it will be that way for you all. That is part of the beauty of it.
      Self knowledge is not something easily done but this retreat does for you in a loving and caring way. There are not enough words to thank the team for they amazing work.

    • Kimberly A. 3 years ago

      I had the opportunity to sit with the Soul Centro Team in their new space in Costa Rica. I have worked with several medicines ceremonially, recreationally, and clinically (Aya, peyote, mushrooms, LSD, 2-CB, ketamine, and lesser-known ones) in different ways and environments but admittedly was intimidated by the Iboga experience.

      I waited 7 years to experience it until I was ready. It was the perfect timing for me and the perfect place. The team held a safe ceremonial setting with an infusion of the Bwiti tradition and the safety of western medicine protocols. They were incredible. It is a very hard medicine to experience because you need constant care during large flood doses to do basic things like drinking water and getting to the bathroom. If I moved and even looked like I needed help a team member was there instantly.

      I am deeply grateful for this experience and the container offered. I was there for psycho-spiritual reasons and had no idea what would be uncovered. They held space for me for some very big mental and emotional challenges as well as some very big spiritual realizations.

      I have sat with Native American groups and other traditions but here was a beautiful new sense of tradition offered I had never experienced with the Bwiti traditions and Iboga. I truly feel like I moved through some big hurdles because of their support and because of the quality of their medicine. I thank them from the deeps of my soul for this level of support and for the medicine. Life will never look the same again.

    • Richard M. 3 years ago

      This retreat will immediately change your life! I can’t say enough about this experience and it’s profound and immediate impact on both physical and mental well being. From the moment you enter the center, you feel as if you have joined an intimate family setting, filled with laughter and care. The teams’s extensive expertise and utmost focus on safety addressed any lingering concerns that I may have had, and the care and responsiveness during the ceremonies was unparalleled.

      The setting is perfect for contemplation and relaxation. I was able to enjoy delicious, healthy food while watching colorful Macaws and listening to playful howler monkeys. And the short walk to the beach is filled with lovely scents and a beautiful landscape. And there is an unlimited supply of coconuts to drink and keep yourself refreshed and hydrated!

      In addition to the healing ceremonies themselves, we were able to learn about the history of the Bwiti people and their joyful culture and vibrant history.

      You are in the BEST BEST hands on this retreat. Just be prepared for an abundance of healing and bliss, with perhaps some tears and definitely some laughter along the way!


    • Paije W. 3 years ago

      the soul centro team is gentle, authentic, kind, powerful and wise. i had been waiting for the perfect moment to experience a ceremonial iboga journey for quite some time and when the 2021 may retreat fell upon my birthday, i knew it was time to answer the calling. from the moment i made my decision to go to costa rica to attend the retreat, i felt supported, safe and held in every way. elizabeth is a gentle current of warmth and strength, and offers her extensive knowledge of the medicine and the way of the bwiti to prepare you for what’s to come and to support you on the other side. she is communicative, flexible and open through the entire process. i am deeply grateful for her presence in my life.

      iboga is a very rigorous medicine that requires a significant amount of screening and preparation medically, mentally, spiritually and beyond. patrick and michele were complete professionals and expert medical providers. i felt completely safe in their care as i prepared for the retreat, in the container itself and knew if i needed anything during integration, they would be there. they did medical checks prior to each ceremony at the retreat itself, and guided me through every nuisance in preparing for this powerful medicine beforehand.

      when i entered the beautiful sanctuary in costa rica i felt a warm welcome from the team and staff. not only was the space lush and gorgeous but i felt completely comfortable and taken care of through incredible food, services and various offerings of movement, meditation and circles. there was plenty of time for rest and nourishment along with activities each day. as a mother of two, i appreciated having a timeline as well as plenty of moments to myself.

      iboga gets to the truth of things quite quickly and is the most potent, straightforward medicine i have ever taken. chor embodies this medicine deeply, and he was able to support me in ways that i didn’t know i needed at the time. in our 1:1 preparation for ceremony, he was able to help me speak my truth so i could approach the medicine as clearly as possible.

      the ceremonies themselves were powerful, raw and are deeply personal to each individual. throughout the night, the team attended to each and every guest in a very intimate, supportive way. i felt completely safe in their care throughout each ceremony and the entire week. i was very impressed with their extensive knowledge of the bwiti and the permission they receive from the tribes in gabon to work with the medicine, and the ongoing reverence they show to these indigenous communities that share iboga with the western world.

      later in 2021, my husband would attend a retreat with the soul centro team in november after safely detoxing from opiates in july. i am forever grateful for the support my family received from this incredible team during the time of detox until his attendance of the retreat. they walked through deep shadows with me in my integration process and supported my husband in finding his truth through iboga as i had done months before. he has been opiate free for nearly a year now and we have followed our hearts together in the most powerful way. we have never felt more free or at peace in our 11 years together. thank you soul centro team, you are one of a kind.



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