Home of Ayahuasca

Ayahuasca Retreat in Iquitos, Loreto, Peru
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    3 Reviews on “Home of Ayahuasca”

    • Andrey 4 weeks ago

      My ayahuasca retreat lasted a month and a half. It was a powerful, unforgettable experience – mostly difficult, but sometimes magical. I came with a simple request: to regain the focus I had lost over time. I also wanted to reset my life. Overworking had made me feel like a trapped horse, and the difficulties I faced with my family and colleagues had drained the joy and interest I once had in life. My body ached here and there, sleep didn’t bring proper rest, and I never felt truly relaxed. Nothing about it was satisfying.

      The plant medicine helped me release and process an enormous amount of emotional baggage and physical tension that had built up in my body. This had a profoundly positive effect on my mental and physical well-being. Session after session, I reviewed my life—remembering people and past events, mostly emotionally challenging ones. Layers of emotions surfaced, tears flowed, and I yawned so deeply that it hurt my facial muscles. Some of the work focused on my spine, where an invisible healer gently adjusted my vertebrae, especially in the lumbar region. There was so much more I experienced and healed, but some things are impossible to describe or even put into words.

      The diet deserves special mention. Simple food—no salt, sugar, spices, or flour—had a positive impact on my body. No aches, no stomach discomfort, everything felt light, and I lost excess fat.

      The customized retreat format was exactly what I needed for deep, effective work with the plants. I had the space to be alone, to reflect on my life and my situation. In the end, my goal was achieved—the reset I was looking for had finally happened.

      A huge thank you to the team at the retreat center for giving me the chance to take on this challenge, for their support during difficult times, and for their kindness throughout.

    • Alan W. 8 months ago

      The ayahuasca retreat was perfectly organized.
      Everyday life is addictive. You feel protected in your environment. Everything is in order. You are insured against all possible incidents for a fee.
      This can give an illusion of immortality, but this remains only an illusion.
      My trip to Peru opened my eyes to all sorts of things. The days and nights in the Selva were so different that everyday life appeared in a completely different light.
      Ayahuasca showed me the other worlds and facets of reality.
      The first few nights were difficult. It was real work. Cleaning out the mental and physical dung heaps that had accumulated throughout life. But it was worth it.
      After the mind and body became more or less clean, Ayahuasca showed me what there is in this wonderful infinity.
      I will not describe my personal perceptions and incredible discoveries here. Everyone has to have their own experiences.
      What I can say is that the location, diet and the entire organization of this trip were perfect.
      My recommendation: you shouldn’t think about the process beforehand. Let Ayahuasca guide you. Leave all expectations at home. Selva, the spirits and Ayahuasca know much better.

    • Pat 10 months ago

      I would only recommend Home of Ayahuasca for anyone considering having a deeply spiritual healing experience. I have heard of so many cases of people having bad experiences with Ayahuasca because of the shamans that they were working with or because of the group dynamic or setting that they were placed in. Home of Ayahuasca is very different from the mainstream. Their main focus is Respecting the true nature of the plant spirit, and creating the perfect environment for you to work with it. I am so grateful that I had this experience and truly hope that many more choose this path.
      I believe and know that if I chose to work with Ayahuasca in any other environment i would not have had as profound and intense of a healing experience as I was able to in such a short time at Home of Ayahuasca. Words can’t truly describe the transformational experience I had there – but its been almost a year later and I am a better, stronger, happier and healthier person because of it. If you’re looking for a sign, this is it. You are capable of healing and the plants will guide you there. Thank you, Home Of Ayahuasca 💚🙏


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