Coach Info
About Me:Hi, I’m Felicia from Philadelphia. I am a physical therapist, cannabis educator, and certified Elemental Rhythm Breathwork Facilitator. Starting in 2019, I became a psychedelic assisted therapy guide, and integrator after my own healing exploration. I’ve traveled to Rythmia in Costa Rica, sat with Colombian Taitas and explored the plant medicine world throughout the US. I have worked with and studied at Soundmind Institute, as well as with MAPS Podcaster, and guide, Zach Leary. Most recently, my psychedelic training was through UCLA at Berkeley. Other offerings include being a manual therapist, breathwork practitioner, yoga and meditation instructor, as well as, an Authentic Relating guide.
My vision is to create a sacred, safe space to discover oneself with and without medicines. By honoring self and others, together we uncover physical, mental and emotional blocks and stories which are no longer serving. Working with clients suffering from PTSD, management of medical diagnoses, relationship issues, parenting challenges, end of life concerns, pain, anxiety, depression, work and athletic performance anxiety and those seeking spiritual up leveling.
Having the proper tools in your “life” toolbox help manage daily challenges and ongoing limitations. I’m here to offer support, encouragement and guide you on your way towards inner healing and happiness.Description of Services:My work includes zoom and in person coaching, preparation, experience and integration work. I enjoy supporting all who seek greater understanding of self, relationships and how to live their most authentic version of themselves.
Credentials & Certifications: Beaver CollegePrice Range: $150-$300/hrMy Process
Intake Process:Intake includes a phone or in person consultation, intake forms, medical and psychological review, consent, forms and a conversation with treating therapist, if one is involved and open.
Overview of Protocol:Free initial 30 min call to discuss goals and intentions. Coaching sessions are 1 hr/week or two for a predetermined length of time. Experiential includes: Preparation with a discovery call, or meeting, a thorough intake and what to expect. There are usually 2 to 3 meetings, pre-journey. Experience days includes: cleansing of ceremonial space, stretching, guided breathwork/meditation, some time in nature, as well as a calm and quiet ceremony space. I take a lot of notes, have remarkable playlists and discuss all the expectations before dropping in. Light snack and gentle re-entry. Integration includes 2 to 3 sessions to review notes, explore topics, feelings and ideas which have been discovered through the experience.
Coach Info
My Process