5-MeO-DMT Retreat in Dronten, Flevoland, Netherlands
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  • Reviews


    • Charlotte G. 2 months ago

      Hands down one of, if not THE best thing I have ever been lucky enough to experience. It is an incredibly special retreat put together by incredibly special human beings.

      The whole process from pre-retreat to post retreat is so considered. The guiding team were fantastic. It is awesome that they all brought their authentic selves, and each had a unique gift to offer the group. The space created was incredibly safe and secure yet unobtrusive and trusting of each individuals experience and process.

      The whole team made running a retreat look so super smooth and easy which is an indication of how much work has been completed behind the scenes. Every need was more than catered for and every detail considered. The location was beautiful and the food was so thoughtfully created, fresh and delicious.

      I found the program to be the perfect pace. There was considered down time and yet always something to do without being too busy. I was really surprised first day how much the program offered, the opening was awesome and the workshops that afternoon more than I had realised – I already felt it was such a treat to be there. I loved how the team kind of kept the program semi protected so that the program slowly opened each day to reveal something thought provoking and profound.

      If you are considering booking this and have the means to do so, book on! The financial side whilst of course a consideration, kind of becomes inconsequential post the event when you gain so much more than you would think possible pre-retreat. The knowledge and wisdom of self that you will come away with is something I could not have possibly comprehended when I booked. It has also had an unexpected impact on my daily life, which is also an extra unexpected gift!

      All that is required of you is to trust the process and attend with an open mind and an open heart.

    • Anouk S. 3 months ago

      I attended the five-day psilocybine retreat in July in the Netherlands, and it was an amazing experience. Natasja and the other facilitators clearly know what they’re doing, they bring so much experience to the table, and it really shows. Each day felt perfectly planned, with everything flowing naturally from one activity to the next. It all just made sense and felt right.
      The food was fantastic; healthy, tasty, and exactly what you’d hope for during a retreat like this.

      I can’t recommend this retreat enough. I gave me so much….
      Connection, clarity, transformation, creativity, feeling WOMAN again.
      It’s still hard to find the right words to describe it, but you feel it so strongly within yourself that words almost aren’t necessary.
      If you’re looking for a retreat that’s well-organized and genuinely impactful, this is it.

    • Grietje v. 3 months ago

      I will definitely recommend the ATMW team and Natasja. I joined the stewardship of the self retreat july 2024. The setting in a beautiful extraordinary place in the Netherlands, Dronten, was perfectly chosen.
      All was thoroughly prepared, the group calls and 1 one 1 call before the retreat, where a lot of time and energy is put in intention setting and diet.
      Talking about diet, Anouk, the retreat chef is AMAZING. Everything was aligned everyone was aligned. And even though I was a little afraid of the “group thing”, Natasja explained with her team why the group is important for the work we were about to do.
      And she was right – Ofcourse.
      I can not put enough emphasis on the safety. The whole team is very professional and are amazing spaceholders.
      Being a medical professional myself safety and trust is very important for me and I have to say, the whole journey felt very safe! I would do it all over again with ATMW team. Beautiful journey, extremely valuable and so much fun. Thank you!

    • Viola E. 3 months ago

      I attended Natasja’s and her fellow practitioners’ retreat two weeks ago.
      It is hard to describe what happens in the processes, yet very easy.
      I’m so grateful to have come across this experience. I must confess, I’m not a very spiritual person, but found myself easily guided in the different ceremonies, breath work, and practices.
      I wished every person could have this wonderful experience at least once in their life! It is so helpful, no matter with which issues you are dealing, you will find answers and healing inside yourself and from the people surrounding you (the facilitators as much as the other participants). You might go through pain, but the release and enjoyment are much greater!
      I try to integrate the findings and insights in my daily life now, which is a long process.
      If you want the best practitioners, very experienced guidance, a save environment for your journey, a retreat program that has been refined over years, I would recommend Natasja and her fellow facilitators!

    • TC 3 months ago

      I recently attended a retreat led by Natasja and the ATMW team, and I’m still in awe of my transformative experience. The retreat was thoughtfully designed, with each ceremony and ritual building upon the last to create a powerful, cohesive journey.
      What struck me most was how the facilitators created an environment catering to individual and group experiences. Their expertise, compassion, and authenticity allowed each participant to explore their path while feeling supported by the collective energy.
      The setting was stunning, with comfortable accommodations and delicious food that nourished both body and soul. But the intangible aspects – the wisdom, guidance, and sacred space held by Natasja and her team – truly set this retreat apart.
      I went in with high expectations, but the reality surpassed anything I could have imagined. It isn’t easy to describe how profound and life-changing this experience was. If you’re considering attending, know it will likely exceed your expectations in ways you can’t yet fathom.
      This retreat wasn’t just a temporary escape but a genuine catalyst for personal transformation. I’m deeply grateful for the opportunity to have participated and for its lasting impact on my life!

    • Andy H. 8 months ago

      The most significant chapters of our lives are marked not by events but by people, and I suspect that when I come to the end of my road and look back on this chapter, it will be Natasja Pelgrom, cradling my sweat-soaked head after a soul-churning 5MeO-DMT experience, whose face I will see. If not for my trust in her, I could probably not have allowed myself to experience what I did. I should hasten to say that not everything about my experience was “pleasant.” This is not a recreational drug, unless a shamanic dismemberment is your idea of recreation. Coming out of it, once I’d confirmed that I was indeed still alive, I asked Natasja if she’d ever been a midwife. “Only here…only in this way,” she said, and that is, in fact, the best description of what she and her team do. Big shout-outs to David and Jessica, who were also there at my side.

    • Carmen K. 8 months ago

      So much love, support and knowledge. I am deeply grateful for this experience.

    • Ed 8 months ago

      It would be hard to overstate the profound experience provided by Natasja and ATMW. The medicine is itself profound, but the true wonder of the experience comes from the skilful and meaningful construction of the retreat around it. Each ceremony and ritual complements and strengthens the next in a completely tangible and experiential way. The result is an individual experience within a shared group experience that is focussed with precision to achieve what is needed by that person at that time, supported by others. All this is powered with the authenticity, knowledge, and compassion of Natasja and other the facilitators.

      The location is glorious, the accommodation spectacular, and the food delicious. It is a genuine life-changing experience in a world where most things are over-promised and under-delivered. Not here. However good you think this retreat will be, it will be better. The reason for this is because there are no words available to describe and sell its true wonder, they simply don’t exist. It can only be understood through experiencing it, and I’m so grateful that I did.

    • Bart 11 months ago

      Keep up the good work!!!

    • Denise F. 1 year ago

      I attended the Regenerative Stewardship retreat with Awaken the Medicine Within at the end of July and I’m so thankful I did.
      I needed time before writing a review and I can now say with all my heart that this was truly a transformational experience and I would highly recommend it to anyone wishing to experience a profound healing and transformative retreat.
      The retreat was a sacred tapestry of ceremonies, each as powerful as the next. Every aspect of this experience was thoughtfully designed for deep connection not only to oneself but also to each other as a community and to the incredible nature that surrounded us too. It wasn’t just a personal journey but a collective one.
      The facilitators were the heart of this retreat. Everything was blended seamlessly, from 3 weeks prior to the retreat to the 3 weeks post retreat integration. Their wisdom, compassion and guidance provided a safe and sturdy foundation for our journeys. They created a container that felt safe and held sacred space that was nurturing, authentic and without judgement. Their support was unwavering and created an environment where we felt safe to explore our innermost landscape. I am so thankful for you Natasja, Ali, Amanda, Henk and Nathan. I couldn’t have asked for a better team to be our guides.
      Personally, I have not experienced self-doubt since the retreat. I am more present, I have self-trust and truly feel like I shedded the narrative that didn’t belong to me at long last. I view the world, others and nature with childlike wonder and generally feel grateful for every moment. For me, it has been a profound inner transformation that is having a positive ripple effect. The lessons and integration are still ongoing to my delight.
      I look forward to experiencing more retreats with ATMW in the future.

    • Philippe S. 1 year ago

      I just came back from a 5meO retreat in Portugal with Natasja. All I can say is that it was a very profound and loving experience. The surroundings were beautiful and we had a wonderful group of people. Natasja provides safe and nurturing guidance, ideal for the teachings of the medicine to unfold naturally and be assimilated. She draws a lot on indigenous wisdom and one feels walking in the steps of a long lineage of ancestors. If this is your calling, I cannot recommend ATMW enough. I cannot think of a safer and more loving guide for what remains a challenging and at times uncomfortable experience. But the rewards are beyond grateful.

    • Luke C. 1 year ago

      In summary: Transformative and Profound; Connection, Community and Communion; Safe and Sacred; Gratitude, Support and Guidance, with attention to every detail.
      I recently participated in a psilocybin retreat with Awaken the Medicine Within.  It has been a TRANSFORMATIVE, life changing experience for me. I was hopeful that I would have a positive experience communing with the mushroom medicine, however it has been so much more than I hoped for in incredibly positive ways.
      This was my first retreat with the ATMW team.  It will not be my last, but even if it is, it was perfect in every way.
      The deep knowledge I came to know, and the connection to nature, the universe, humanity, and my “self” is PROFOUND.  The experiences during the retreat are still revealing themselves in meaningful and insightful and, at times, humorous ways, as I integrate the new perspectives I now have, and create a new frame for viewing the universe, nature, spirituality, and the relationships with my family, friends, and myself.
      The CONNECTION the team nurtures, between the team and each participant, between each participant in the group, and between participants and the plant teachers and medicines was deep, respectful, and created a wonderful sense of COMMUNITY and COMMUNION.
      The space and container that the ATMW team created was inviting, SAFE and SACRED.  The “sacrifice” of themselves in effort, energy, and care that they put into every ceremony was awe inspiring and left me with a deep sense of GRATITUDE.  The entire team ensured that all of us, individually, and the group collectively, could connect with the plant teachers we communed with, and we were ready and open to the wisdom, lessons and healing of the various plant medicines utilised during the ceremonies.  Set, Setting, and Intention were created and/or fostered to ensure we all had an amazing and positive experience.
      This was all achieved by providing SUPPORT and GUIDANCE (before, during, and after the retreat to kick start integration), as well as a fastidious ATTENTION TO EVERY DETAIL.  The one-on-one calls, group calls, journaling exercises, surveys, content to read/watch/listen to, diet/catering, music, the venue, set and setting, all are carefully and meticulously curated and utilised by the team in order to personalise the experience for each participant on the retreat, and ensure that they were able to assist each of us in ensuring that the intentions and commitments we created for ourselves were realised.
      Thank you Natasja, Ali, Henk, Amanda, and Nathan, for your care, effort, guidance, and humour, I will forever be grateful 🤗. 

      Thank you also to my fellow travellers, we arrived as strangers, and we are now are a community spread across the planet.

      And thank you to the plant teachers (Psylocibin, Cacao, Rapeh, and all the other plants and flowers used during our ceremonies). Your lessons have been gratefully received, and I now catch myself smiling at things that used to upset me, and my Super Ego has learned to “Let it Be!” 😇
      With gratitude and love, Luke 💜🙏🏽🌈

    • Hakon M. 1 year ago

      Ive been battling a 20 year long mild/medium depression doing painstakingly everything by the book to get out, but the depression never budged. I were stuck in the depression from the shame/pain from the past and anxiety for the futures that never happened, i were unable to be in the present or alter my mindset.

      For context; i used to be a conservative, cynical sketicpist before i decided to try this. I read up on the science by PhD. Andrew Huberman about psilocybin, but decided to head into the cultural mysticism of the old ways to break with my old clinical habits and preconceptions, and be open to something completely new. Thousands of years of culture experience must be the right place to try this. And i found what i was looking for.

      After this retreat, it felt like my head were “reconnected” and now functions as a regular resourceful resilient brain. I suddenly could think freely; doors with resources that i had no keys for were now open. My new start lets me see the problems i must solve and how, and which i am now able to let go. I also realized i were causing my own depression with hidden coping mechanisms no longer needed.

      The ATMW retreat were everything i needed, every single piece in the schedule were what i needed to open up more and explore deeper introspectively. The staff were genuinely goodhearted and wise, and it was a safe place to open up. Not one single moment were i pushed to share or open, they are very respectful and accepting. The venue, the food, the atmosphere, it all kept me grounded and open to be present, they facilitate your much needed introspection. It was a truly good experience.

      If you want healing from psilocybin, this is the place to go. Trust their process, but reach out to the guides if you have doubts – trust me, you will not be disappointed.

      *Rainbow emoji*

    • Andrew H. 1 year ago

      I’ve written at greater length about my Awaken The Medicine retreat experience on my Substack:
      …but let me just say that it taught this old dog a few new tricks. I had experimented with entheogens “recreationally” in my teens and twenties, and although those experiences were mostly in basements and carpeted vans, they changed my life. Coming back to them fifty years later under the superb direction of Natasja and her team reawakened the medicine within me, and reminded me of what an enchanted place the world can be.

    • Anuj P. 2 years ago

      I wanted to wait until after the integration before writing this, to give a fuller appraisal. I’m happy to say the learnings I got from this retreat have endured, and I’ve embedded some great practices in my life as a consequence.

      This was my first group retreat, and it absolutely exceeded my expectations. Natasja, Ali, Henk and Amanda expertly facilitated, curated and layered the sessions, and helped the group form a lovely and deep bond.

      Each session built on the previous one, and this really helped to add real depth to the experience. I’ve left with enhanced self-belief, and feeling well resourced to deal with life’s inevitable challenges.

      I would highly recommend ATMW, and I’m actively considering signing up to another one soon!

    • Harold L. 2 years ago

      My 5-day retreat with Natasja and Ali was a truly transformative experience. I left the retreat with a sense of inner peace whilst feeling rejuvenated. I would highly recommend this retreat to anyone who is looking for new insights in life.

    • Miriam H. 2 years ago

      Participating in the Regenerative Stewardship retreat, in March 2023, was a profound and transformative experience that I highly recommend to anyone interested in exploring the potential of psilocybin and other complementary practices for personal growth and healing. Each practice offered a unique way of accessing different levels of consciousness and connecting with the wisdom of the natural world.
      Our guides and facilitators, Natasja, Ali, Henk, and Amanda were knowledgeable, experienced, and caring, and they provided individual attention to each participant throughout the retreat. They offered guidance and support in navigating the psychedelic experiences, helping us to integrate our insights and revelations.
      The group setting allowed for a deep sense of connection and trust among the participants, and was an important part of the overall experience.
      Miriam Heskamp | Trainer, Facilitator, Coach | Netherlands

    • Suncica G. 2 years ago

      The ATMW Retreat was an enriching, life-affirming and transformative experience. The space for insight, healing, connection and growth was exquisitly curated and held by the team, with generous care and attention poured into every activity, and every moment. If you wish to give yourself a gift of clarity, wholeness, inspiration and renewed life energy, look no further! Nuna

    • Jurene F. 2 years ago

      It’s been nearly 11 months since I attended a one of ATMW’s transformative retreats, and I still feel the impact in my life every day. Natasja has created and crafted such a beautiful experience – bridging many traditions and types of wisdom, along with assembling an incredible team. At a time when the “shroom boom” will certainly lead to some fly-by-night retreat operators, it’s incredibly reassuring that there are deeply experienced and ethical practitioners like Natasja and her team. I give it full-hearted five start review. GO!

    • Katie C. 2 years ago

      My whole experience with Natasja and ATMW has exceeded my expectations in so many ways. I can’t recommend this retreat more highly. I was a part of the Regenerative Stewardship retreat in November 2022 and what made this experience so impactful was the way whole process was woven together through conscious and intentional details. The attention and care for these ‘micro moments’, like the 3 preparation calls in the build-up to the retreat, helped to create a powerful container within which transformative work could happen. From this place, I was able to trust the team, my peers and also myself and to lean into the work in a much more open and supported way.

      The team were incredible space holders and were always at service but never there to ‘save’. This, I now realise, is such an important element, as there was never a sense of a guru, more an appreciation and reverence for wisdom, within oneself, others and the world.

      Thank you so much Natasja, Ali, Henk, Karen and Katrien for the amazing work you do. Truly one of the best things I have ever done ❤️🙏

    • Darren M. 2 years ago

      I attended the ATWM Regenerative Stewardship retreat in November 2022. It’s hard put into words this whole experience which was both professional and rational yet also deeply heartfelt and spiritual. Natasja, Ali, Henk, Karen and the team were so supportive and caring. I felt very safe and therefore able to work through some difficult and challenging issues in a truly deep, meaningful and it feels like, long lasting way.

      A month later I’m still feeling very peaceful inside, all my relationships have improved, I’ve made some wonderful new friends and connections. And my work, which was already successful, seems to have gone up a gear and I’m getting even better feedback than usual.

      I know that in order to maintain this level of being will take focus and dedication. But I now know it’s really possible to do that and I have the tools to keep it going. If you are open to this kind of work I cannot recommend ATMW more highly as a place growth and development.

    • Yvonne V. 2 years ago

      Last summer I did the five days retreat in The Netherlands. This was the most amazing experience ever! It was my first time having a psylocibine ceremony (we did 2 acutally) and it was a divine experience. The whole programm is so well prepared en thought through that it really helps you with every step along the way towards transformation. The way Natasja has put all this together really moved me. To see how she and her amazing team guided us on this very vulnerable journey brought me to tears many times. At all times during the retreat (and also in the prep calls and after in the integration process) i felt so supported and guided! And I felt really seen, which is a great theme for me. Natasja is a true leader who can speak from a very warm heart and always with integrity. And.. Not to forget… Humor! I also laughed my ass off. At some points the cry turned into laughter, turned into tears, into laughter.. We touched upon the whole spectrum of emotions 😉 I would totally and fully recommend all of Natasja’s retreats. Because everything she creates comes from that very true place. You will never ever regret it. I promise you. ❤️

    • Clare D. 2 years ago

      The Awaken The Medicine Within Retreat was a a beautifully held experience. What stood out for me was the deep and genuine care for all who attended. The thoughtfulness, attunement, attention to detail, wisdom and knowledge shone through. Natasja, Lorraine and team created a light and joyful atmosphere while at the same time allowing all aspects of experience to be welcomed, both the light and the dark. They created a nourishing and deep container for 10 women to explore themselves fully and this is a precious and rare gift. They engender deep trust and this too is a precious gift. It felt to me that what was created on the retreat was from another plane, as though something with a frequency of another realm has been manifested on this earthly plane. I would not hesitate to recommend their retreats to anyone wishing to dive deep in safe and wise hands 😉
      Clare D

    • Emy T. 2 years ago

      Truly an incredible experience, beyond words. I recently participated in the Women’s retreat in Portugal and Natasja, Lorraine and Sandra were truly amazing. They created a safe space for healing and provided so much support and wisdom. All of them have such respect for the medicine and the healing process. Each person had an experience tailored for their unique needs and every detail was meticulously thought through. Not only were the medicine ceremonies profound, but I got equal value out of every activity, sharing circle, 1-1 a facilitator and every delicious meal. I would highly recommend this retreat to anyone who is open and ready for growth. You’ll be in safe hands.

    • Amanda M. 2 years ago

      I recently attended one of the ATMW women’s retreats in Portugal and never have I experienced such a beautiful sacred container as the one that Natasja has created with Lorraine

      Natasja’s gifts are many, and she holds space like no-one I’ve ever known, it comes from so deep within her heart. Lorraine’s incredible plant wisdom and sacred songs are pure heart medicine. Together they both touch such beauty and healing, seeing you where you need to be seen and enabling you to go to places within that you didn’t even know existed.

      Their knowledge, wisdom and intuitive guidance allows you to have total trust that you are safe, supported and held with deep care and love. The preparation and integration processes were invaluable and, along with every part of the retreat, down to the minutest detail, had been carefully created to enhance the whole experience.

      A big thank you to Mela for her truly beautiful cacao and breathwork day, to Karen and Sandra for their wonderful practices, kindness and loving presence…and of course to Claire for the huge love she put into looking after us with her thoughtfulness and out of this world food!

      I am deeply grateful and honoured to have had this experience with you all.

    • Aleks H. 2 years ago

      Natasja has pulled together a team of truly gifted, generous, beautiful people who each bring their unique talents to the Awaken retreat to create a life-changing experience. The retreats are a perfect meld of traditional and scientific approaches that I think anyone, no matter preferences and previous experience, can feel safe, comfortable and engaged in.
      This has been my second experience with Natasja and her amazing co-facilitator Lorraine, and the impact on my life has been profound. I especially appreciate the format of the women’s retreat, which creates a safe space for a particular type of healing and exploration that is difficult to find elsewhere. There is joy, laughter, good tears and yes, amazing food! You will love this experience – I recommend it to everyone. I´ve even talked my mum into signing up 😉

    • Kate A. 2 years ago

      It’s hard to find the words to describe the beauty, the intensity, the profoundness of this experience. Sacred space was held by Natasja, Lorraine and Sandra with an extraordinary depth of love, compassion and kindness. These earth angels have an intuitive understanding of exactly what is needed by each participant in each moment – an extra blanket, a sip of water, a touch, a word. The respect and reverence with which they approach the plant medicine and each ceremony, each circle and each gathering brought a sense that the ancestors, too, were gathered around us, breathing their wisdom through these 3 extraordinary women, and adding to the experience of being so completely and so safely held. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the opportunity to do such deep work while being so truly held, without judgement or expectation, to have been so completely seen and accepted.

    • Sandra S. 2 years ago

      This is the place where ancient traditions meet modern science and spirituality in a beautiful, loving, completely safe space.
      The deep work is often paired with a lot of humor and lightness, held in the most authentic and spontaneous way, and at the same time with amazing structure. It is not my first time that I have attended a retreat with Natasja and Lorraine. I trust them deeply , and therefore I was able to surrender into my process with the medicine and work on so many layers of healing. I was given all the care, the Love and the space that I needed to go through my journeys. The container feels so safe and full of Love, that I every time can trust the process, the devine timing, and everything, that arises.
      The preparation and integration phases were especially curated in detail, and the facilitators were always available for holding space and helping with the work. I can recommend the Awaken The Medicine Within retreats with my whole heart.

    • Jessika L. 2 years ago

      Attending this retreat was one of the most beautiful and powerful experiences of my life. The container they provide is rooted in safety, attention to the smallest details, and care. I really felt supported throughout my entire process, before, during, and after, and would definitely recommend Awaken the Medicine Within to my friends.

      Thanks so much the incredible team of women and facilitators Natasja, Lorraine, Kareena, Tessa and Daniella, for being part of this experience.

    • Samantha M. 2 years ago

      I did a 5 day psilocybin retreat with this incredible team at a beautiful site near Amsterdam. I was deeply impressed and touched by the care, love, humour, sensitivity and wisdom I received from the team who have a deep knowledge and immense experience of working with this medicine. They complimented the psilocybin ceremonies with other ceremonies, two of which I found as impactful and healing as the psychedelics! I could not recommend them enough and am saving up for my next trip with them.

    • Sjanett d. 2 years ago

      On both the personal, social and spiritual level Natasja, creating a safe and warm container for healing and transformation. I loved every aspect of the retreat: the gorgeous location, the other participants that seem to have been handpicked and shared a common storyline, the program, the rituals, the singing, the food, the medicine, the integration… one big beautiful, deep tapestry of meaning.

    • Natalie H. 2 years ago

      I don’t even know where to begin… I attended the retreat a little over a month ago and I still get tears in my eyes when I settle in to reflect on it. The whole experience is beyond words and surpassed any of my expectations. Bufo was unlike any of my past psychedelic experiences – it was boundless and wordless. The facilitators were incredible – present and supportive. You feel very safe very quickly. The most beautiful part of the retreat was the unexpected bonds you make with the other people there… There is such a power in the community. In the second ceremony where you go as a group, I think that was one of the most important and potent experiences of my life. You connect so quickly and deeply that you question why are we not more like this with other people in our day-to-day lives when it is right there. All I can say is that this retreat was one of the if not the most precious gifts I have ever received. Thank you, Natasja. Thank you, Lorraine. Thank you, Mayatiita. Thank you, Mela. Thank you, Claire <3 Ps. The food is out of this world.

    • Candace O. 2 years ago

      I have now done two retreats with Natasja. The highest praise I can give is that I brought my husband and parents to the second one. She went above and beyond to accommodate us as a family, strengthening our bonds while also helping us build relationships with the rest of the group. Natasja’s team works together beautifully to provide a deep and transformative experience for all participants. Plant baths, breathwork, tobacco and cacao ceremonies, and of course the psilocybin ceremonies all worked together to effect real and lasting change in all of us. A special thank you to Lorraine, whose shamanic skills and work ethic made each ceremony incredible. Thank you Mela for cacao and breathwork (and for your work with my parents) and to Ali and John, whose wisdom and love shone through in every encounter. Participants would have to work very hard NOT to be transformed!

    • Veronica P. 2 years ago

      Natasja has created a powerful sacred container for healing in Awaken the Medicine Within. She has put together a wonderful team of healers and rituals that together help participants become deeply connected with themselves. A gentle but profound layering of experiences enabled us to dive deep into our souls through a process of “intense cleansing” and transformation.
      Every detail from beginning to end was beautifully curated to ensure a safe, pleasurable, nurturing experience. The location, comfortable accommodation, delicious food, plant baths, music, humor, joy, wisdom and love in which it was all created made it a truly impactful and unforgettable experience. What a gift this retreat was!!! Several months on I am still reaping the harvest from the beauty that was cultivated in that space. My life has been transformed as result. Thank you Natasja, Lorraine, John and Ali !!!

    • Mark S. 2 years ago

      I attended Natasja’s ATMW retreat in March 2022. The experience was simply amazing. The program, food, facilitation and overall experience were outstanding. I would highly recommend this retreat for anyone who is interested in personal transformation and the benefits from these plant medicines. Each day is different and additive over the 5 days. I also loved the pre and post calls and the support on the ATMW digital platform. 5 stars all around.

    • Ben J. 3 years ago

      What a transformational experience that continues to build on itself! Through the complete support and creation of a connective trust I was thankfully able to reconnect with the deepest parts of myself.
      Every part of the retreat was impeccably considered and has changed my life in a tremendously positive way. The fantastic setting, the space (inner and outer!) the prep and the integration cannot be overstated. The journey continues, and it’s with the deepest of thanks that I wish to to share these brief thoughts. Natasja, Lorraine, John, Claire, Sarah and Mela quite simply created the most incredible space through a integral desire to harness love, compassion and kindness.

    • Bernhard E. 3 years ago

      An unforgettable experience guided by an extraordinary team – could not have wished for a better set and setting. Thanks for the thoughtful, heartfelt and awakening retreat.

    • Catalina E. 3 years ago

      The ATMW retreat was once of the most magical experiences I have ever lived. Natasja and her team are incredibly wise medicine women, and the depth of their wisdom can’t be easily described in a short review. They guided us through the world of the invisible with their feminine magical powers, so that I felt held in a manner that I had not felt in any of the various psychedelics retreats I had done before. From the prep calls beginning a couple of weeks in advance, the flower essences that were sent to my mail box, the holothropic breath work, the music, and every single detail that was part of it, you can be sure that they have curated the most incredible set and setting for anyone to explore the depths and mysteries of our consciousness.

    • Tony R. 3 years ago

      My week with ATMW left a beautiful and indelible effect on me. The atmosphere and organization of the week by Natasja and her caring staff was professional and thorough. The locale was so lovely it would be worth visiting simply for its beauty, and the cooking was sublime, with each meal bringing us closer together as a group. We were treated to multiple modes of self-discovery which, when combined with observing and sharing the experiences of others in our group, made the experience deeply emotional and interconnected, the net result in the months since being an ongoing connection with my new “family,” the members of which have continued both to support me as well as allow me to be there for them. I have learned so much and gained so much mentally and emotionally that I cannot thank Natasja enough for this gift. Aho!

    • Daniel A. 3 years ago

      In the current rushed and saturated psychedelic space, ATMW is that rare thing: a container that honors tradition without ever being performative; honest and direct but never transactional; grounded in humanity but open to the mystery.
      An experience guided by a deep understanding of the spirit of the medicine, wisdom, and love.

    • Sandra S. 3 years ago

      I attended a 5 day ATMW retreat and felt completely held and secure to be able to trust fully and surrender to the medicine. I will keep these 5 days as sacred awakening process into my full power as a leader for my whole life. The indescribable intensity, beauty, and connectedness I have experienced changed the way I now practice self love and Love with others. It has cracked open my heart completely to the Light. I have never felt so free in my whole life. And I took this freedom, sense of community, and connectedness into my daily life back home. Things and moments that were not magic before, they are now. I feel now deeply the beauty of the present moment, and the gratefulness to be alive and walk the path I came here on Earth to walk. I got the confirm why I am here. And that gives meaning to everything. These days have released the power in me, and at the same time softness and Love. I feel eternally grateful to Natasja and Lorraine for being the best space holders and most professional Medicine Women anyone could hope for. The venue felt like home, with lush vegetation, on this strong land, and the food was prepared with so much love and attention. I am so grateful that I could attend this retreat, after the last years of fast change. I have to say that the word ” retreat” is not at all appropriate for this transformational moment in my life. It is much more than a ” retreat”. It is reconnection to the devine power we all carry inside.

    • Nana F. 3 years ago

      ATMW holds the ability to beautifully bridge science and traditions in a grounded, supporting and caring container. A truly life changing experiance that I highly recommend to anyone who seeks healing and personal growth.

    • Magdalena H. 3 years ago

      The Awaken The Medicine Within Bufo Retreat in Portugal was one of the most powerful experiences of my life. In a beautiful scenery, nurtured with delicious food, in a family-like atmosphere we all felt held, heard and seen. The Toad Medicine is powerful and loving – it took me places beyond expectations and explanations. Thanks to both preparation and integration work, I can now use its learnings to become a better version of myself and be there for others with more compassion and presence. Thank you all! Magdalena Haver

    • Natasja P. Provider 3 years ago

      The ATMW retreat is, in a word, transformational. After having participated in other plant medicine retreats in the past, I was astounded and humbled by the depth of Natasja and Lorraine’s expertise and loving care. It was so easy to put my trust in them; their wisdom, intuition and commitment allows for the cultivation of community and a container in which it feels safe to finally let go of that which is holding you back. Because of this retreat, I am experiencing the shifts I need to bring me closer toward wholeness. The gifts I have received in return for taking the leap of faith to join this journey are only beginning to unfold, and I am forever grateful.

    • Krystyna L. 3 years ago

      Natasja and her team were absolutely amazing! I totally enjoyed every minute of the retreat and I would love to come again and again! Everything was beyond great: atmosphere, schedule, guidance, food, place, setting – absolutely perfect!! I had the most incredible and profound trips and I am very grateful that they made the setting and the experience so I was feeling comfortable, safe, protected, professionally guided and navigated. I truly could trust them and dive in freely into the unknown , it was as if they knew exactly what I need to have the best possible experience. Very personalized approach to every participant makes her retreats truly unique and deep. Another amazing experience I had on the course “Yinomai”, and on private session – it was very transformational as well. Love you ,Natasja, and love what you do! So much looking forward to the next time!

    • Scott Y. 3 years ago

      Natasja is one of the great plant healers on the planet! It is hard to imagine someone more gifted than she at helping you maximize the therapeutic value from psychedelic and other healing tools. I met Natasja for the first time when I attended a Synthesis retreat in 2018 and was so impressed with her abiity to connect and empathize and bring her gifts of healing to me and others who attended. I subsequently participated in a separate psychedelic session with her that was truly life changing and repeated Synthesis and her private retreat a year later with equally transformative effects. Awaken the Medecine Within is going to change your life and Natasja is so gifted at facilitating that transformation!
      Scott Y

    • Richard M. 3 years ago

      Life changing, life changing, life changing! I have worked with Natasja and her team twice now, and I cannot say enough about the profound impact of her work, with both immediate and long term, tangible benefits. The setting was quiet, beautiful and idyllic for our retreat. The work to prepare ourselves for our journey through intentions, journaling, group discussions, yoga, and sound and breath work felt almost as powerful as the medicine itself. Natasja and her team are incredibly talented and well prepared, and it is highly likely that you will both laugh heartily and shed a beautiful tear or two (or three!) throughout your stay. The food was excellent and nourishing as well. Just be prepared! The lack of caffeine is real! I can’t say enough about how truly beautiful, spiritual, professional and maternal Natasja and her team are – just the best. ❤️🙏

    • Andre A. 3 years ago

      I highly recommend Natasja‘s ATMW retreats and would put my hand on the fire for them. She takes a lot of time to set intentions with the clients, has the talent to creat incrediby beautiful settings and puts so much detail in all aspects. At the Awaken Medicine Retreat they use various modalities such as yoga / qigong, cacao ceremonies, breathwork and soundhealing to creat a wellrounded experience for healing, growth, inspiration and transformation. Natasja is an exceptional guide and I always felt safe and in good hands. I had a lifechanging and magical experience. With Natasja‘s warm and positive charisma, she is also able to build a wonderful team around herself, which, for example cook the most delicious dishes and prepares vacation spots where you feel home.

      • Nyla K. 3 years ago

        I’ve done already some retreats and I can say from the bottom of my heart, that Natasja‘s ATMW retreat changed my life so much. The setup and setting has been chosen perfectly, Natasja has got the capability and great empathy to feel and see what one needs to perfectly adjust the medicine. The whole program, breath work, yoga, plant based diet and the integration has been put together with so much love. I would recommend this retreat to everyone who feels that there is much more to explore in your inner self, a mind blowing experience that I wish everyone could make to feel oneself truly. This retreat will always have a special place in my heart. Thank you Natasja💎 Sending you much love ❤️


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