Nasreen El-Mariesh VETTED

Personal Transformation Coach in Poole, Dorset, United Kingdom
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    2 Reviews on “Nasreen El-Mariesh”

    • Gayla E. 6 months ago

      Thank God I had Naz as my integration coach for my micro dosing and for my deep dive journeys. I was able to experience the most profound soul growth and soul integration because of the guidance and coaching from Naz. She understands the symbolism and visualizations that occurred for me on my breakthrough experiences and she guided me in integrating these experiences into my life.
      Without Naz guiding me I would have been like a ‘fish out of water’ and I would not have gained the spiritual and personal growth doing journeys on my own.
      I can not overstate how important it is to have a good integration coach and in my opinion there is none better than Nasreen El-Mariesh!

    • Salarah S. 2 years ago

      Before I started to work with Naz, I was feeling a general sense of frustration. I knew there was more work for me to do around my limiting beliefs and blocks, but I couldn’t quite get to what they were, what behaviour of mine was feeding the perpetual cycle of my painful experiences.

      I have a known of Naz for awhile through a good friend, and I only heard fantastic things, but had the opportunity to meet Naz in person when I was invited to speak at one of her events.

      I felt an instant resonance and loved to her gentleness, warmth, and kindness. When I saw that Naz did coaching and micro-dosing, I felt an instant call to pursue that path. I have to say, I’m really pleased I did

      What I loved about the experience was the gentleness that Naz brought into the coaching session. Her kindness and profound insights helped me to process what was coming up for me through my micro-dosing journey.

      I’d always been interested in micro dosing, but nothing really prepared me for the awarenesses, insights into my own behaviour patterns, and the ability to change old programs in “real time”. It was like somebody had opened a door to my consciousness and I just couldn’t get access to before and I was finally able to recognise where I was standing in my own way and begin to move through them in a safe loving container.

      As a result, I have recognised where I am feeding my own fear cycles, and reacting and responding to life in a way from a disempowered place. With this recognition, I have forged new ways to move forward, claimed my power back (still work in progress) and as a result, change the cycles.

      I am more loving to myself, have an ability to listen deeply to my own emotional needs and feel much more safe and supported as a result.

      I’m deeply grateful for this wonderful experience, and would highly recommend Naz!

      Salarah Starre


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