From Research to Regulation: The Future of Microdosing

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The latest trends, the science behind microdosing, and how you can be part of legalizing this important medicine.

This session is geared toward mental health professionals, wellness practitioners, researchers, policymakers, and anyone interested in microdosing or innovative mental health solutions.

This is your chance to connect directly with experts behind the microdosing movement and gain actionable insights into how microdosing can enhance mental health treatments.

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned advocate, you’ll walk away with the knowledge and tools to help push microdosing forward as a mainstream practice.

Paul F. Austin

Co-Founder and Educational Director of Microdosing Collective, Founder of Third Wave and the Psychedelic Coaching Institute

Alli Schaper

Co-Founder and Community Director of Microdosing Collective, Co-Founder of SuperMush, and Host of Into the Multiverse

Henry Winslow

Founder and Editor of Tricycle Day

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