Maria Katrina, better known as Kat, is a queer woman of color from Los Angeles, California. She is a trauma-informed Wellness Educator and Psychedelic Harm Reduction Consultant with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and a Master of Science in Nurse Education. She comes with a strong background in acute health care, hospital administration, and ketamine treatment for mental health disorders. In addition to nursing, she contributes her talents to event health & wellness teams through medical aid, psychedelic harm reduction, and integration services.
After 13+ years of providing care to patients and their loved ones at the bedside, Kat continues to fulfill her desire to provide heartfelt care, healing spaces, and thoughtful education to her community and beyond through psychedelic education & integration support. She also facilitates peer support groups for health care providers, and provides harm reduction services and emotional support to public and private events around the world.
Kat is known for her gracious, enthusiastic attitude and her prowess as a caregiver, her affinity for emotional intelligence, and a lifetime of meaningful experiences to support her clients, colleagues, and community. She finds joy in the art of food, music, and nature, as well as a growing circle of friends! Connect with her on LinkedIn.
At Third Wave, we are committed to providing every individual with clear, credible, evidence-based psychedelic information. To be your most trusted source of information, our content is medically reviewed to verify the clinical accuracy of our content, images, products, and services. The independent clinicians & medical professionals partnered with Third Wave bring extensive experience from across the spectrum of medical specialties, as well as their perspective from years of clinical practice, research, and patient advocacy.